25th October: Paula Sweeney (Aberdeen) — Eternalism as Therapy: Mourning the Death of Michael Besso

Sala Enzo Paci, Via Festa del Perdono 7, h. 16:00-18:00.

Abstract: It is often assumed that an eternalist and a presentist will have the same emotional response to life’s events because, regardless of one’s metaphysical beliefs, we all have the same phenomenological experience of time passing and it is this experience that is relevant to emotional response. I question the assumption that beliefs about the metaphysics of time can have little impact on one’s emotional responses and begin to establish the position that scientific and metaphysical belief can offer succour.

Commentator: Jonathan Tallant (Nottingham)

Project: LINEA 1B – UNIMI PER ERC (15-6-3007000-2021; CUP: G45C16000000001)

25 October – Paula Sweeney (Aberdeen) – “Eternalism as Therapy: Mourning the Death of Michael Besso”