
University of Milan, Department of Philosophy
PhilLab and CPT
2 year postdoc in “Temporal experience and social cognition”
Deadline: 26/08/2024
Link for submission below
Experimental philosophy has recently investigated certain claims that philosophers of time attribute to “ordinary people” with respect both to the experience of the flow of time, and to “time in the external world”. While there is ongoing debate about how to interpret the empirical results obtained so far, there is also a clear consensus that the idea of resorting to empirical means to investigate naïve beliefs about temporal phenomenology and temporal reality has proven to be highly fruitful. Moreover, default beliefs about temporal reality, and about how we experience and conceptualize it, are also relevant to research on social cognition. Surprisingly, these implications have yet to be systematically explored. The current project will address this gap in the literature by recruiting a post-doc who will work on elaborating experiments of Ex-phi at the interface between temporal cognition and social cognition.
The post-doc is expected to have competences one or more of the following areas: Traditional X-phi; Philosophy of time; Philosophy of cognitive sciences; Social cognition; Experimental psychology
The post-doc will work on one or more of the following topics: naïve theories of time; temporal duration estimation and experience of passage; psychological mechanisms underpinning temporal experience; the interface between temporal cognition and social understanding
We will favor candidates who can show evidence of having skills in: designing behavioral studies; programming in psychopy; design of vignettes and questionnaires; data collection; statistical analysis in R
PhilLab — Interdisciplinary Research Lab (
CPT — Centre for Philosophy of Time (
For more information please write to
Giuliano Torrengo (
John Michael (

1 year Postdoc Fellowship on “Future perspectives: time, indeterminacy and fiction”

The postdoc will work at the Department of Philosophy “Piero Martinetti”, University of Milan (Italy), under the supervision of Prof. Elisa Paganini in the framework of PRIN 2022 PNRR (Prot. P20225A73K)

Philosophical research presents different ways of approaching perspectives on the future. This project focuses on the perspectives opened up by the philosophy of time, by research on indeterminacy in philosophy of language and by research on fiction (in philosophy of mind, philosophy of language and philosophy of propaganda).

The collaborator is expected to work on the project topics: philosophy of time, or indeterminacy, or fiction.

For manifestations of interest mail to



 IAPT IX Lugano

The International Association for Philosophy of Time (IAPT) is pleased to announce its 9th annual conference to be held at Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI) in Lugano, Switzerland, on 24th–28th June 2024.
The local organisers are Damiano Costa and Cristian Mariani. The program committee is chaired by David Ingram. The conference is sponsored by Swiss National Science Foundation grants, Temporal Existence (Costa, SNSF Starting Grant, 211294), and Quantum Indeterminacy(Mariani, SNSF Ambizione, 208762).
The list of confirmed speakers include: Craig Callender, Nina Emery, Kit Fine, Jenann Ismael, Tim Maudlin, Kristie Miller, Laurie Paul, Oliver Pooley, Thomas Sattig, Daniel Sudarsky, and Emily Thomas.


Eight IAPT Meeting

27-30 July , 2023
Sydney, Australia

The International Association for Philosophy of Time (IAPT) is pleased to announce its 8th annual conference, to be held at the University of Sydney, Australia (27-30 July , 2023).

Invited speakers:

Vallteri Artsila
Maria Balcells
Helen Beebee
Dan Deasy
Heather Dyke
Preston Greene
Christoph Hoerl
Dave Ingram
Nihel Jhou
Lisa Leininger
Cristian Mariani
Jonathan Tallant
Giuliano Torrengo
More information will be posted on the website:

Seventh IAPT Meeting

Barcelona 2022
July 5-7, 2022

The International Association for Philosophy of Time (IAPT) is pleased to announce its 7th annual conference, to be held at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain (July 5-7, 2022). The conference is sponsored by the ERC project PROTEUS – Paradoxes and Metaphors of Time in Early Universe(s) (GA758145)

Keynote speakers

Steve Carlip (UC Davis)
Daniel Deasy (Dublin)
Natalja Deng (Seoul)
Yuval Dolev (Bar-Ilan)
Eleanor Knox (King’s College London)
Emily Thomas (Durham)

Organizing committee: Silvia De Bianchi, Carl Hoefer, Sven Rosenkranz, and Giuliano Torrengo.

Program committee: Dave Ingram (chair), Maria Balcells, Silvia De Bianchi, Natalja Deng, Carl Hoefer, Kristie Miller, Sven Rosenkranz, and Giuliano Torrengo.

Call for Papers

Papers suitable for a 30 minute presentation (and no longer than 5,000-words) should be submitted by email (as attachments in .docx or .pdf format) to the programme committee (

Each submission should be prepared for blind review and include a word count and a 200-word abstract. Submissions on any topic in the philosophy of time are welcome, and we encourage papers discussing time in quantum gravity and cosmology.

Only one submission per person is permitted (note: a coauthored paper counts as one submission for each of the coauthors). Please include name, institutional affiliation, and preferred email address in the main body of the email (and not on the paper itself).

Some funding will be available to graduate student speakers and non-tenure-track faculty speakers. More information will be provided in due course. If you are a graduate student or non-tenure-track faculty, and you would like to be considered for a travel bursary, please indicate this in the submission email.

The deadline for submissions is 12 noon (UK time) on Friday 28th January 2022. The papers will be circulated for blind review and notifications of acceptance will be delivered in March. Selected speakers will be asked to confirm their participation and attendance before 1st April.

More info:

Post-Doc Opportunities in Japan

The Centre for the Philosophy of Time is pleased to recommend the following opportunity. 

The JSPS International Fellowship for Research in Japan provides an opportunity to conduct collaborative research for young overseas researchers under the guidance of their hosts in universities and other research institutions in Japan. This is especially exciting for philosophers of time given the high number of excellent JSPS host researchers working on this topic (see list below). The duration of the fellowship will be for either 12 or 24 months. 

For more details please check

JSPS Host Researchers in Philosophy of Time

  • Yasuo DEGUCHI (Professor)

Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University

Speciality: Analytic Asian Philosophy, Philosophy of Self, Philosophy of Science


  • Akiko Frischhut (Assistant Professor),

Akita International University

Speciality: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Time, Temporal Perception, Philosophy of Mind, and some interest in questions about personal identity and the self


  • Tora KOYAMA (Associate Professor)

Research Institute for Time Studies, Yamaguchi University

Speciality: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Robotics, History of Analytic Philosophy


  • Kunihisa MORITA (Associate Professor)

Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University,

Speciality: Philosophy of quantum mechanics, Philosophy of time


  • Takeshi SAKON (Associate Professor)

Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences, Osaka City University,

Speciality: Metaphysics, Philosophy of time (presentism), Philosophy of mind


  • Ikuro SUZUKI (Associate Professor)

Department of Philosophy, College of Humanity and Sciences, Nihon University.

Speciality: Metaphysics, Persistence, Personal Identity, Philosophy of Death


Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Irish Research Council (IRC) offers Postdoctoral Fellowships of one or two years which are open to candidates from all countries. Applications are supported by an academic “mentor” working in an Irish university. If you are interested in applying for an IRC Postdoctoral Fellowship in the philosophy of time or the philosophy of modality, please feel free to contact Daniel Deasy (Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Philosophy, School of Philosophy, University College Dublin – website here) at; if you would like to apply for a fellowship in the areas of temporal asymmetries or metaphysics of science, please fell free to contact Alison Fernandes (Assistant Professor in Philosophy, Dept. of Philosophy, Trinity College, Dublin – website here) at alison.fernandes@tcd.ieSubmission deadline for the current call is 20 November 2019.

For more information on IRC Postdoctoral Fellowship and to apply see:

Further information about UCD School of Philosophy can be found here:

For more information on some of the current and previous IRC Postdoctoral Fellows at UCD see:

Call for PhDs

The new Call for Applications to the Doctoral Programme 2019-2020 (Cycle XXXV) in Philosophy and Human Sciences is now available at the following link (6 three-year, fully funded, scholarships available). Documentation required for application will include:

– Certification of English (level B2)
– Two reference letters
– A research project (between 2.000-4.000 words, bibliography not included)

For a complete description of the research topics and activities of the doctoral school see:

Projects on the philosophy of time (within metaphysics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, philosophy of science) are the welcome.


The Department of Philosophy “Piero Martinetti” invites applications for:

  • 2 Senior Visiting Fellows
  • 2 Junior Visiting Fellow

Deadline: 15th May 2019

The Department is committed to world-leading research in all areas of Philosophy with particular strengths in:

History of philosophy and science;
Logic, epistemology, philosophy of language and mind;
Theoretical philosophy, ethics, and aesthetics;
Anthropology, geography, and social sciences.

Senior Visiting Positions

Senior scholars are invited to spend 4 to 5 weeks at the “Pietro Martinetti” Philosophy Department of the Università degli Studi di Milano. The visits must be scheduled between 15 September 2019 and 20 June 2020. Senior Fellows are expected to work on their own research project and to participate in the life of the Department by offering 16 hours of teaching (e.g. a cycle of seminars presenting their ongoing research and/or a PhD course), attending and giving talks, contributing to discussion groups, and interacting with students of the MA and PhD programmes. Senior Visiting Fellows are provided with office space, access to computing and printing facilities, and library access. The Department offers successful candidates a single gross payment of 7,500 euros (meant to cover travel, lodging, and any other expenses – taxation depends on the nationality and tax code of the visiting fellow). Applications for the Senior Visiting Positions will be evaluated by a departmental committee. They should be addressed to the head of Department, Prof. Luca Maria Bianchi (, adding in cc the fellowship programme coordinator, Dr. Luca Ciabarri ( Applications must be submitted by Wednesday 15 May 2019.

Junior Visiting Positions

Junior researchers are invited to spend 4 to 5 weeks at the “Pietro Martinetti” Philosophy Department of the Università degli Studi di Milano. The visits must be scheduled between 15 September 2019 and 15 June 2020. Junior Fellows are expected to participate in the departmental activities, to develop a research project with professors and researchers of the Department, and to prepare at least two talks on their research. Junior Visiting Fellows, who are expected to frequent the Department regularly, are provided with office space, access to computing and printing facilities, and library access. The Department offers successful candidates a single gross payment of 6.000 euros (meant to cover travel, lodging and any other expenses – taxation depends on the nationality and tax code of the visiting fellow).3 Applications for the Junior Visiting Positions will be evaluated by a departmental committee.  They must be addressed to the Department head, Prof. Luca Maria Bianchi (, adding in cc the fellowship programme coordinator, Dr. Luca Ciabarri ( Applications must be submitted by Wednesday 15 May 2019.

For further information regarding the application procedure:

CUNY-Milan Annual Interdisciplinary Workshop in Philosophy

March 28-29, 2019
University of Milan

CUNY-Milan annual interdisciplinary workshop in Philosophy, a joint initiative of both institutions’ philosophy departments, and, more precisely, CUNY Graduate Center and Doctoral School in Philosophy and Human Sciences, University of Milan is aimed at promoting advanced studies at the crossroad between philosophy and interrelated disciplines. Last year workshop took place in NYC at CUNY Graduate Center with the topic of Belief. This years’ workshop, second in a series of annual events, will focus on Tense and is taking place in Milan. The organizers are committed to maintain the interdisciplinary character of the workshop.

This year keynote speakers will be:

University of Milan: Alessandro Zucchi and Giuseppe Spolaore (linguistics), Daniel Dohrn (philosophy of language and metaphysics) and Corrado Sinigaglia (cognitive neuroscience).

CUNY Graduate CenterGraham Priest (logic and language), Catherine Wilson (history of philosophy) and David Papineau (philosophy of mind).

Organizing Committee:
Milan – Daria Vitasovic, Victor Carranza, Sava Ristić, Luca Marchetti.
CUNY Graduate Center – Vincent A. Peluce, Yale Weiss, Jennifer McDonald, Liam Ryan (Saul Kripke Center).

Everyone is welcome, but please do register for the workshop since places are limited.

E-mail for registration: daria dot vitasovic at unimi dot it.

Funding: Doctoral School in Philosophy and Human Sciences.


Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Irish Research Council (IRC) offers Postdoctoral Fellowships of one or two years which are open to candidates from all countries. Applications are supported by an academic “mentor” working in an Irish university. If you are interested in applying for an IRC Postdoctoral Fellowship in the philosophy of time or the philosophy of modality, please feel free to contact Daniel Deasy (Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Philosophy, School of Philosophy, University College Dublin – website here) at

Submission deadline for the current call is 29 November 2018.

For more information on IRC Postdoctoral Fellowship and to apply see:

Further information about UCD School of Philosophy can be found here:

For more information on some of the current and previous IRC Postdoctoral Fellows at UCD see:

Research Position in Philosophy of Language

The Department of Philosophy at the Università degli Studi di Milano invites applications for a three-year RTD-A appointment (non-permanent researcher) in Philosophy of Language. After three years, the candidate will be eligible to apply for a three year RTD-B position (whose opening is contingent upon departmental approval and availability of funds). RTD-Bs are eligible for a tenured Associate Professor position (contingent upon achieving “abilitazione” and university approval).

Research. The candidate is expected to conduct research in philosophy of language, broadly construed as involving areas such as philosophy of mind, formal semantics, or metaphysics.

Teaching load: one course (60 hours) per year in philosophy of language.

Monthly salary (net): approx. 1850 euros

Requirements for application:

— basic knowledge of Italian at the interview stage (around November 2018)

— Ph.D. at hand by August 3rd, 2018

Application Deadline: August 3rd, 2018.

How to apply: the complete text of the call and the link to the online procedure are available at the address below, under the label “n. 1 posto – s.c. 11/C4, ssd M-FIL/05 (Codice 3867)” (At the moment only an Italian version of the call is available, but an English version will be published shortly):

For further inquiries, please write to

Call for PhDs

The new Call for Applications to the Doctoral Programme 2018-2019 (Cycle XXXIV) in Philosophy and Human Sciences is now available at the following link (8 three-year, fully funded, scholarships available). Documentation required for application will include:

– Certification of English (level B2)
– Two reference letters
– A research project (between 2.000-4.000 words, bibliography not included)

For a complete description of the research topics and activities of the doctoral school see:

Projects on the philosophy of time (within metaphysics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, philosophy of science) are the welcome.

Visiting Fellowship Programme (2018-2019)

The Department of Philosophy “Piero Martinetti”, Università degli Studi Milano, invites applications for:

  • 2 Senior Visiting Fellows
  • 2 Junior Visiting Fellows

The Department is committed to world-leading research in all areas of Philosophy with particular strengths in:

  • The history of philosophy and science;
  • Logic, epistemology, philosophy of language and mind;
  • Theoretical philosophy, ethics and aesthetics;
  • Anthropology, geography and social sciences.

In addition, the Department has been traditionally very active in forging and consolidating interdisciplinary links ranging from the arts and humanities, to pure and applied sciences. In recognition of this, the Department has been selected by the Italian Ministry of Research and Education to benefit from a 5 year Excellence scheme (2018-2022). This will further enhance the wide range of ongoing research activities.

The Department of Philosophy is located in a beautiful historical building right in the centre of Milan (5 minutes walk to the Duomo and La Scala). The fellows may enjoy the thriving life of the city and the exciting and friendly environment in which the philosophical activities of the Department are carried out.

More info available here.

Dr Iaquinto and Dr Young

The CPT would like to announce that two of our members have been awarded funds for postdoctoral positions and so will continue working at the centre. Samuele Iaquinto has received funds from the Confalonieri Foundation, for a one year position, on his project ‘Fuzzy Future in an Indeterminist Universe’, while Nick Young has obtained a two-year position on the project ‘Time and Emotion’.

Dr Ingram and Dr Andreoletti

The CPT would like to announce that two of our members are leaving for pastures new. Dr David Ingram has just started his position as Associate Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of York, UK, while Dr Giacomo Andreoletti will be leaving for a postdoctoral position on Louis Vervoot’s project on Free Will at the Centre of Advanced Studies, University of Tyumen in Siberia (!). Although we are sad to see the both of you go, we wish you every success in your new endeavours.

Postdoctoral Position at the CPT

The CPT would like to announce a 2 year fellowship on the research project “Time and Emotion”, coordinated by Giuliano Torrengo and Clotilde Calabi.

Description of the research project: We propose an investigation into the temporal nature of the emotions. Every waking moment is coloured by positive or negative feelings of varying intensities. Emotions can be about the past or future, unfold over time (anger gradually dissipating) and modify our experience of time itself. These connections between time and the emotions has not received significant attention. The aim of this project is develop a comprehensive account of the relation between emotions and temporality.

The deadline is October 16th 2017. Applications have to be done through the online portal: 

The complete call can be downloaded at:

 Dr. Tzuchien Tho

The CPT is very pleased to announce that an associate of the centre, Tzuchien Tho, has recently been hired as a permanent lecturer at the University of Bristol, UK. Many congratulations Tzuchien, Bristol is lucky to have you!

Università della Svizzera Italiana – 2017/18 Masters Course in Philosophy

Our friends at the Università della Svizzera italiana in Switzerland has recently announced that the topic of its 2017–18 Masters course in philosophy will be time.

The course will focus on various aspects of the philosophy of time, such as temporal consciousness, the metaphysics of time, the philosophy of history, the logic and linguistics of time, the nature of narratives, and time and social ontology. Classes will be taught by a number of very distinguished academics including Anna Marmodoro (Oxford), Giovanni Ventimiglia (Lucerne, Lugano), Franz Berto (Amsterdam), Erasmus Mayr (Erlangen), Kit Fine (New York), Kevin Mulligan (Lugano, Geneva), Achille Varzi (Columbia), and CPT’s own Giuliano Torrengo. We highly recommend this masters to anyone who wants to gain a firm understanding of any of these topics, and wish all tutors and students the very best for the coming academic year.

Important update: Scholarships now available for Italian citizens! For more info: Deadline: January 11, 2018.

Society for the Philosophy of Time (SPoT)

The CPT is pleased to announce that one of its collaborators, the Society for the Philosophy of Time (SPoT) has become a member of the International Association for the Philosophy of Time. For more details about these outstanding organisations go to and