Adjunct Coordinator


Hello. I am a Postdoc in Philosophy of Physics at the Institut Néel (CNRS) and at the Chair of Excellence in Philosophy of Quantum Physics (Université Grenoble Alpes), where I work on a project on the metaphysics of quantum entanglement with Vincent Lam and Cyril Branciard. Before this, I got my PhD from the University of Milan with a dissertation entitled ‘The Indeterminate Present; Essays on Quantum Mechanics and the Open Future”. My work was supervised by Giuliano Torrengo, Claudio Calosi, and Jonathan Tallant. During my PhD, I spent visiting research periods in Paris (ENS), Rutgers, Geneva, and Sydney. My main research interests are in philosophy of physics, metaphysics of science, and philosophy of time. I am currently Secretary for the Philosophy of Time Society, and Adjunct Coordinator at the Centre for Philosophy of Time. My personal website is here: https://cristianmariani.weebly.com/

Recent Publications

2021 ‘Emergent Quantum Indeterminacy’, Ratio.

2021 ‘Quantum Indeterminacy’, Philosophy Compass, with Claudio Calosi

2021 ‘Indeterminacy: Deep but not rock-bottom’, Analytic Philosophy.

2020 ‘The Indeterminate Present and the Open Future’, Synthese, with Giuliano Torrengo.

2020 ‘Relational Quantum Indeterminacy’, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, with Claudio Calosi.

2019 ‘Proprietà e leggi di natura’, Lost in Physics and Metaphysics – Atti dell’Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere.

2018 ‘Book review: James Harrington’s Time – A Philosophical Introduction’, Dialectica, with G. Torrengo.

2017 ‘Realismo, Struttura, Informazione’, (in Italian, ‘Realism, Structure, and Information’), in Realtà senza Realismo – Atti dell’Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere (Eds.: M. D’Ariano, C. Mariani, S. Veca), PagePress, Milano, 123-148.

2017 ‘Realtà senza Realismo’, Atti dell’Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere, with M. D’Ariano and S. Veca.