Founder and Coordinator

torrengoMy current focus of interest is the connection between temporal experience and the fundamental features of temporal reality. On the one hand, I am developing an account of temporal experience that aims at being empirically plausible and compatible with the B-theory.  On the other hand, I am exploring alternative metaphysics to standard A- and B-theory. Relatedly, I am working on the open future, and on an original account of explanation in metaphysics of time.

My personal website is here.

Selection of Pubblications 


2024 Temporal Experienc. The Atomist Dynamic Model, Oxford University Press [ISBN 978-0192845580]

2022 Fragmenting Reality: An Essay on Passage, Causality and Time Travel (with Samuele Iaquinto), Bloomsbury [ISBN 978-1-3502-3532-8]

2018 Filosofia del Futuro [Philosophy of the Future] (with S. Iaquinto), Milano: Raffaello Cortina (ISBN 978-88-3285-014-7. Click here for the public reaction to the book. Reviewed by A. Frigerio in Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 111, 2019)

2011 I Viaggi nel Tempo. Una Guida Filosofica [Time Travels. A Philosophical Guide], Roma-Bari, Laterza

2008 Time and Cross-Temporal Relations, Mimesis, Milano [2015, 2nd edition for Mimesis International]


2024 “The Passage of Time,” forthcoming in N. Emery (ed.) Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Time 

2023 “Taste Fragmentalism” (with S. Iaquinto and G. Spolaore), Erkenntnis (online first: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10670-023-00754-8)

2023 “Temporal Transparency and the Flow of Time”, in K. Jaszczolt (ed.) Understanding Human Time, Oxford, OUP: 220-243

2023 “Fear of the past” (with D. Bordini), Ergo. An Online Journal of Philosophy (https://journals.publishing.umich.edu/ergo/article/2269/galley/1656/view/)

2023 “The way of presentness” (with D. Cassaghi), Erkenntnis, 88, 2787-2805 (DOI: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10670-021-00477-8) [online 2021]

2022 “Flow and presentness in experience” (with D. Cassaghi), Analytic Philosophy (online first)

2022 “A Puzzle about Aftertaste” (with A. Frischhut), in A. Borghini and P. Engisch (ed.s) A Philosophy of Recipes: Identity, Relationships, Values, London, Bloomsbury: 151-168

2022 “Explanation, persistence, and location” (with V. Buonomo), THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 37(2), 137-148

2022 “The Metaphysics of Passage in Dynamical Reduction Models of Quantum Mechanism” (with C. Mariani), in A. Santelli and D. Donati (eds.), Ockhamism and Philosophy of Time: Semantic and Metaphysical Issues Concerning Future Contingents, Springer: 147-172 [Chapter 9]

2022 “Materiality, parthood, and possibility” (with S. Iaquinto), Erkenntnis, 87:1125–1131 (DOI: 10.1007/s10670-020-00233-4) [online 2020]

2021 “Frightening Times” (with D. Bordini), European Journal of Philosophy (online first: DOI: 10.1111/ejop.12633)

2021 “The Indeterminate Present and the Open Future” (with C. Mariani),  Synthese (online first)

2021 “Purely Theoretical Explanations” (with G. Andreoletti and J. Tallant), Philosophia, 49,  133–154

2020 “The Metaphysics of Passage in Dynamical Reduction Models of Quantum Mechanism” (with C. Mariani), forthcoming in Santelli A. and Donati D. (eds.), Ockhamism and Philosophy of Time: Semantic and Metaphysical Issues Concerning Future Contingents, Springer

 2020 “Temporal Transparency and the Flow of Time”, forthcoming in K. Jaszczolt (ed.) Understanding Human Time, Oxford, OUP

2020 “The Invisible Thin Red Line” (with S. Iaquinto), Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 101: 354382 (DOI: 10.1111/papq.12314)

2019 (with G. Spolaore) “The moving spotlight(s)”, Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy (online first)

2019 (with S. Iaquinto) “Flow Fragmentalism”, Theoria 85: 185-201

2019 (with G. Andreoletti) “Time travel and the immutability of the past with B-theoretical models”, Philosophia, 47: 1011–1021 (online 2018)

2017 “Feeling the passing of time”, The Journal of Philosophy, 114, 4: 165-188

2018 “Perspectival Tenses and Dynamic Tenses”, Erkenntnis, 83(5), 1045-1061 (online 2017)

2018 “Nunc pro tunc. The Problem of Retroactive Enactments”, Philosophia46, 1: 241-250  (online 2017)

2017 “Time travel and coincidence-free local dynamical theories”, Synthese (online first)

2017 “The Myth of Presentism’s Intuitive Appeal”, Phenomenology and Mind, 12: 50-55

2018 “Hyper-Russellian Skepticism”, Metaphysica19, 1: 1-17  (online 2017)

2016 “Presentism and the Sceptical Challenge”, Manuscrito, 39, 4: 101-116

2015 “Chronometric Explanations”, Philosophia, 44,1: 275-287

2014 “Ostrich Presentism”, Philosophical Studies, 170: 255-276 (online 2013)

2013 “The Grounding Problem and Presentist Explanations”, Synthese190: 2047–2063

2013 “Yet Another Confusion about Time-Travel”, Disputatio, 1, 35: 49-56

2013 “Time Travel and the Thin Red Line”, in P. Graziani and M. Sangoi (eds.) Open Problems in the Philosophy of Science, London, College Publications: 245-258.

2013 “The Metaphysics of the Thin Red Line” (with A. Borghini), in F. Correia, A. Iacona (eds.), Around the Tree, Berlin, Synthese Library, Springer Verlag: 105-125.

2012 “Time and Simple Existence”, Metaphysica, 13:125–130

2011 “The Modal Dimension”, Humana.Mente Journal of Philosophical Studies, 19: 105–120

2011 “The not so incredible shrinking future” (with R. Casati), Analysis, 71, 2: 240–44 

2010 “Perspectival Truth and Perspectival Realism”, in F. Recanati, I. Stojanovic, N. Villanueva (eds.) Context-dependence, perspective and relativity in language and thought, De Gruyter, Mouton Series in Pragmatics: 333-48 

2010 “Time, Context, and Cross-temporal Claims”, Philosophia, 38: 281-296
